b'GeSneenraiol rI nPfroorgmraamtionSenior Citizen ProgrammingMeet our Senior Recreation Specialist: Laura Puro comes to us as a former Licensed Nursing Assistant and Special Education Teacher.She is also the mom of fraternal twin boys.Laura is very excited to be here to coordinate activities and fun outings for the Senior Citizens of Concord and Penacook.She has already welcomed and greeted so many of our Seniors with a warm, kind, friendly demeanor and smile. Laura can be reached at seniorprograms@concordnh.gov or (603) 230-4982Senior Passport ProgramThe Concord Parks and Rec Senior Citizen Program is designed to offer free and low cost programs for Senior Citizens, age 55 and older.Many programs are free of charge, unless otherwise noted.The Senior Passport is free to residents while non-residents are charged $50 for the year.To register for your Senior Passport stop by the City Wide Community Center.All registered Senior Program participants will receive their "passport" and use it to check in when participating in senior programmingNew activities being offered include:* Baking at the CWCC* Board Game Mania Senior Health Clinics are offered at two Parks & Rec locations: * TriviaWest Street Ward House: Old favorites still offered include:The first Tuesday of each month; 9 - 1 p.m.The third Friday of each month; 10 - 1 p.m.* Indoor Walking at CWCC City Wide Community Center:* Cribbage, Scrabble, Mah Jongg The last Tuesday of each month; 9 - 3:30 p.m. * Musical Jam Services offered include foot care, blood pressure screening, B-12 injections, medication education, and* Tripsnutritional education.* Book ClubSenior Health Clinic services are provided for a suggested donation of $10, however, services are* CAP Lunches at CWCC provided regardless of a person\'s ability to pay.To schedule an appointment please call * Coffee Socials (603) 224-4093, x5815*Table TennisFall & Winter 2024 - 2025Page 11www.concordparksandrec.com'