b'GeCnoemraml uInnfiotyrm InaftoionGOT CLASSES?Is there a class you would like to see? Do you know an instructor? Concord Parks & Recreation is always looking to expand our program offerings. If you are an instructor or if there is a class you would like to see offered please contact us at recreation@concordnh.govDrop In SchedulesPlease check the website for monthlyAdult, Family and Youth Drop Inscheduleswww.concordparksandrec.comSUGGESTEDCost: TRICK OR TREAT HOURS Adults 3.00 res., 5.00 non-resPENACOOK Wednesday, October 30, 5 - 7:30 p.m. Youth/Family 2.00 res., 4.00 non-res.CONCORD Thursday, October 31, 5 - 7:30 p.m.Fall & Winter 2024 - 2025Page 22www.concordparksandrec.com'