b"GWeninetrearlIBnafsokrmetabtailolnDIVISION II - GRADE 2 & 3 YOUTH BASKETBALL GRADES 6 - 12DIVISION IIThis division is organized into teams by gender.Players willThis division is geared towards Concord/Penacook residents who concentrate on further developing their basketball skills. All teamsdid not qualify to play for their school team or would like to play will practice once a week and games will be played on Saturdaybasketball and have fun! This division will help players hone their mornings.Equal playing time is given to all players,.skills while focusing on positional play.Teams can meet up to three LOCATION: Local School Gyms times per week for either practices or games.All games will be DATES: Season runs January 6 - February 15played on Saturdays.Regular high school rules apply. Games are played onSaturdays MIDDLE SCHOOL CODE (BOYS): CODE:311904-1 Youth GRADES 6 - 8CODE:313004-1 Head Coach DATES: Season runs January 6 - February 22 CODE (GIRLS): CODE:312004-1 Youth Games are played onSaturdaysCODE:313104-1 Head Coach CODE (BOYS): 312304-1Youth 313404-1CoachCOST: $65 Resident. $75 Non-ResidentCODE (GIRLS): 312404-1Youth 313504-1CoachAdd $10 late fee after 12/6/24 (based on availability) GAMELocal School Gyms & Green St. Community LOCATION: Ctr.COST: $65 Residents, $75 Non- Residents Add $10 late fee after 12/6/24 (based on availability)HIGH SCHOOL - GRADES 9 - 12 DATES: Season runs January 6 - February 22 Games are played onSaturdaysCODE (BOYS): 312504-1Youth 313604-1CoachCODE (GIRLS): 312604-1Youth 313704-1CoachGAMELocal School Gyms & Green St. Community LOCATION: Ctr.COST: $65 Resident OnlyAdd $10 late fee after 12/6/24 (based on availability)DIV II & DIV III, MIDDLE SCHOOL & HIGH SCHOOL REGISTRATION DEADLINE: DIVISION III - GRADE 4 & 5 Friday, December 6DIVISION III POST SEASON TOURNAMENT This division is organized into teams by gender.Players willDIV III, MIDDLE SCHOOL & HIGH SCHOOLconcentrate on further developing their basketball skills. All teamsTO BE HELD FEB. 17 - FEB. 22can meet up to 3 times per week for either practices or games. Equal playing time is given to all players. LOCATION: Local School GymsDATES: Season runs January 6 - February 22Please Note:If you play on any Games: Friday nights other organized basketball team CODE (BOYS): CODE: 312104-1Youth between November and March, CODE: 313204-1Head Coach you are not eligible to play in the CODE (GIRLS): CODE: 312204-1YouthCODE: 313304-1Head Coach recreation leagues.COST: $65 Resident, $75 Non-Residents Add $10 late fee after 12/6/24 (based on availability)Look online after November 1st for youth'drop-in' basketball times for November & December!Fall & Winter 2024 - 2025Page 21www.concordparksandrec.com"