b'FeGberunaerrya/lIAnpfroirl mVaactiaotnionWILDLIFE ENCOUNTERS SEACOAST UNITED WILDLIFE ENCOUNTERSAPRIL SOCCER CAMPSWildlife Encounters & Ecology Center presents theirThe April Skills Camps and Clinics are a fantastic way for players "Global Tour" encounter educating & leading the groupfrom 6 to 14 years old to be introduced to the Seacoast United on an "imaginary safari around the world".Seven of theirSoccer Club\'s fun developmental approach to the game of wild friends will make an appearance to say hello andsoccer and stay busy and active during school vacation.Join share some of their history. the professional, dedicated full time coaching staff in enjoying DATES: Monday, February 24 competitive yet fun technical challenges and game play.You AGES: All Ages NEW! will see your child thrive within the atmosphere created by all SUSC staff allowing them to develop their love for the game while TIME: 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. improving important basic and more advanced skills. Rain Location:LOCATION: City Wide Community Center City Wide Community Wide GymPRICE: Free SOCCER CAMP - HALF DAYCODE: 600935-4 DATES: April 28 -May 2Pre-Registration required.Registration Deadline: February 21 AGES: 6 - 14 yrs. oldTIME: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.LOCATION: Keach ParkPRICE: $165 Resident, $175 Non-ResidentCODE: 244914-216 SOCCER CAMP - FULL DAYDATES: April 28 -May 2CyanMagentaYellowBlack AGES: 6 - 14 yrs. oldTIME: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.LOCATION: Keach ParkPRICE: $240 Resident, $250 Non-Resident CODE: 244914-1MAGIC FRED APRIL VACATION CAMPMAGIC FREDInstructor: Dan LamoureuxJoin us for a magical time with Magic Fred!With his years ofAPRIL VACATION CAMPexperience and mysterious ways you will be left mesmerized!DATES: Wednesday, February 26 April Camp is similar to our Stay and Play summer camp.Your AGES: All Ages kids will enjoy spending their days playing outside, doing arts & TIME: 1 - 2 p.m. crafts and playing games!Staff to child ratiois 1 to 8.All staff is CPR/First Aid Certified and have an additional 20+ hours of staff LOCATION: City Wide Community Center NEW! training.PRICE: Free DATES: April 28 - May 2CODE: 600935-5 TIME: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.Pre-Registration required.Registration Deadline: February 21 GRADES: K - 5LOCATION: City Wide Community CenterPRICE: $180 Resident, $190 Non-ResidentsCODE: 340036-1 Spring 2025Page 16www.concordparksandrec.com'