b'GeSnuemraml Ienrf oCrammaptsionNow Lets Plan Your Summer!We believe that summer is a time for having fun, making new friends and experiencing new activities and adventures.Our summer camps allow your child to do just that in a safe, day camp setting.Please read our Parent\'s Guide from cover to cover, as it will answer many of your questions regarding your child\'s time at camp.Our parents guide will be available in May on our website. Our Traditional "all day" Camp StaffOur camp staff are selected based on their interest in working with children.The staff have CPR and First Aid certifications and all are 17 years old and older.Creativity, enthusiasm, and excellent communication skills are strong characteristics of our camp staff members. Staff work together as a team and are involved with the campers at all times.The Parks & Recreation Department provides an excellent in-service training program for its staff andrequires background checks for all employees.SCHOLARSHIPSThe Concord Parks & Recreation Department tries to keep its fees atCyanMagentaYellowBlackan affordable level for all Concord/Penacook residents. If you haveFOR ALL SUMMER CAMPS an unusual family financial situation that limits participation due to the price, please contact the Parks & Recreation Department to makePAYMENT PLAN arrangements for a fee reduction.Scholarships are not available toA non-refundable payment of $20 per non-residents or for adult programs. Scholarships are available forweek is required at time of registration.most (but not all) youth programs/camps and do not cover late fees. Balance of each camp week is due 14 days prior to the start of that camp. Speciality Camp Staff Payment plans must be arranged through the Parks and Recreation OfficeEach summer the Department contracts with vendors to provide25numerous speciality camps. These are some of the best in the area and will provide your children the opportunity to learn a new activity.Look for more information in the Summer/Fall brochure due out in May.Our Summer Camp Guide is due out thesecond half of March. It will include all our Specialty Camps such as: Basketball, Soccer,and Dance!Spring 2025Page 25www.concordparksandrec.com'