b"GenYeoruatlh I nCfloarsmseastionCONCORD CAPTIOLS' CHEER PROGRAMSInstructor: Capitol Cheer Coaches NEW!Concord Capitols is a recreational cheer league that supports athletes in learning and developing cheer skills.The program competes in approximately 3 - 4 local competitions throughout the month of October.The program is broken down into 4 teams:Twinkles, Shooting Stars, Asteroids & Super Nova's.Each team will have approximately 20 - 25 athletes.The teams for 3rd - 5th grade (Shooting Stars & Asteroids) will be completing tryouts on May 15th form 5 - 7 p.m.There will be an attendance policy that parents/caregivers and athletes will be required to review and sign prior to the season beginning.Families must purchase their own white cheer shoes.For more information please visit concordcapitolsfootball.org or email concordcapitolscheernh@gmail.comTWINKLESSHOOTING STARS/ASTEROIDS DATES: July - October(16 weeks) (Mon/Fri) DATES: July - October(16 weeks) (Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs)GRADES: K - 2nd Grade GRADES: 3 - 5th GradeTIME: 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. TIME: 5:00 - 8:00 p.m.LOCATION: City Wide Community Center LOCATION: City Wide Community CenterPRICE: $275 Residents, $285 Non-Resident PRICE: $275 Residents, $285 Non-ResidentCODE: 247402-1 CODE: 247402-2SUPER NOVA'SDATES: July - October(16 weeks) (Tues/Thurs)GRADES: 6th - 8th GradeTIME: 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. CyanMagentaYellowBlackLOCATION: City Wide Community CenterPRICE: $275 Residents, $285 Non-ResidentCODE: 247402-3CONCORD CAPTIOLS' CHEER CAMPInstructor: Capitol Cheer Coaches NEW!21CHEER CAMPConcord Capitols Cheer camp will be a week of cheer skills and tumbling fun! Campers will learn the basic skills for cheerleading while having fun building their social skills through games and activities as a group. The highly skilled coaches and assistants will work with each camper individually and in groups to help them learn and improve their cheer techniques and skills. This camp will provide an opportunity for youth who may be interested in learning more about the sport of cheerleading, as well as those who have been cheerleading for years. This session is being offered for incoming grades from kindergarten to 8th grade. No cheer experience necessary.DATES: June 23 - June 27GRADES: K - 8TIME: 9:00 a.m.4:00 p.m.LOCATION: City Wide Community CenterPRICE: $175 Resident,$185 Non-ResidentCODE: 247401-1Spring 2025Page 21www.concordparksandrec.com"