b'General InformationAdult Classes PICKLEBALL Dates:Wednesday, 5/7 - 5/28 Fresh Pickles Beginner Pickleball Lessons - Ages18+Time:10:00 - 12:00 p.m. Instructor: Dan Lamoureux Location: Rolfe Park - Penacook Price: $35 ResidentsCome learn the basic rules & fundamentals of Pickleball with Coach Dan and $45 Non-Residentsother brand new Pickleball players.This class is for brand new players - 3Code: 600449-9 months or less of pickleball experience.If you have your own paddle, pleaseOutdoor Class - Plan/Dress Accordinglybring it. If not, we have some available.Bring non-marking shoes to change into.When: Thursdays, 10:00 - 12:00 p.m.Price: $35 Residents, $45 Non-ResidentsDatesLocation Code: 3/6 - 3/27 City Wide Community Ctr. 600449-7 4/3 - 4/24 City Wide Community Ctr. 600449-8 CyanMagentaYellowBlackCPRD Pickleball Club - Beginner-Ages 18+ CPRD Pickleball Club - Intermediate-Ages 18+This group is designed for those who have some experienceThis group is designed for those who have been playing for over playing, know the general rules of the game, but are looking fora year, know the general rules of the game, and are looking for slower speed of play so their knowledge of the game and skillsthe next challenge.Knowledge of the game and skills should can be developed.Space is limited to 25 players.Participantsbe developed.Space is limited to 15 players. Participants must must pre-register for this program. Drop-ins are not allowed.pre-register for this program. Drop-ins are not allowed. Two Four indoor courts will be available. indoor courts will be available.Dates:Mondays, 4/7 - 5/12Dates:Wednesdays, 3/5 - 4/9 Time:6:00 - 8:00 p.m.Time:12:00 - 2:00 p.m. Location: City Wide Comm. Ctr.Location: Green St. Community Ctr. Price: $30 Residents Price: $30 Residents $40 Non-Residents$40 Non-Residents 9Code: 600455-5Code: 600462-4 CPRD Pickleball Club - Skilled-Ages 18+Players must know the rules and scoring system; be able to consistently get serves/returns in play with varying depth and speed; hit with directional intent and mix soft and hard shots; sustain longer rallies; have only a moderate number of unforced errors.This level is for those who can play at a fast pace. Space is limited to 25 players.Participants must pre-register for this program. Drop-ins are not allowed.Four indoor courts will be availableDates:Tuesdays, 4/8 - 5/13Please visit our website atTime:6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Location: City Wide Comm. Ctr.www.concordparksandrec.com Price: $30 Residents for monthly Adult Drop-In sport$40 Non-Residents schedules (basketball, Pickleball, etc!Code: 600456-5 Spring 2025Page 9www.concordparksandrec.com'