b'ArGcheenreyr/aSl tIrnefnogrtmha StiqounadSPRING ARCHERY CLASSESInstructor: Lucy MorrisLucy Morris is USA Archery certified Level 4 NTS Archery Coach and Instructor Trainer.Youcan learn more about Lucy at www.nearchery.com,TheFlyingArcher.com, and on Youtube:The Flying Archer.All equipment is provided.The code of an archer:Honor, Respect and KindnessEPIC BEGINNER ARCHERY EPIC BEGINNER ARCHERYEpic Archery is for those who are brand new, or returning to class. Epic Archery is for those who are brand new, or returning Come and enjoy an age old sport with family and friends.We willto class.Come and enjoy an age old sport with family shoot at different kinds of targets and do some scoring.Embraceand friends.We will shoot at different kinds of targets and the inner spirit of letting go of a string and popping a balloon,do some scoring.Embrace the inner spirit of letting go of hitting a rope, shooting a target face and having fun. a string and popping a balloon, hitting a rope, shooting a DATES: Fridays, March 21 - April 25 target face and having fun.AGES: 8 and up DATES: Fridays, March 21 - April 25TIME: 4:30 p.m.5:30 p.m. AGES: 8 and upLOCATION: Green Street Community Center TIME: 5:30 p.m.6:30 p.m.PRICE: $100 Resident, $110 Non-Resident LOCATION: Green Street Community CenterCODE: 215130-4 PRICE: $100 Resident, $110 Non-ResidentCODE: 215230-4ADULT ARCHERY24 It is time to learn an ancient sport!Or come and brush off your skills.It is now time, to have an hour once a week for you!Increase your skill and confidences as you let go of stress and hit a balloon, rope, or a regular round target.It is our night ladies, to bond, laugh and have fun together while pulling a string back and letting go of CyanMagentaYellowBlack stress.DATES: Fridays, March 21 - April 25AGES: 18 +TIME: 6:45 p.m.7:45 p.m.LOCATION: Green Street Community CenterPRICE: $100 Resident, $110 Non-ResidentCODE: 215231-4MIDDLE SCHOOL STRENGTH SQUAD Instructor: Timothy Finch of 2 Home FitnessMIDDLE SCHOOL STRENGTH SQUADJoin the staff at 2 Home Fitness on a strength building and injury prevention journey.Participants will complete a baseline exam, and work towards improving their results through the 6 week program.GRADES: 6 - 8 TIME: 5:00 - 6:00p.m.LOCATION: 2 Home Fitness, 2 Home Avenue, ConcordCOST: $155 Residents, $165 Non-ResidentNeeded for Class:Athletic wear and a change of sneakers.GIRLSDATES: Tuesdays, March 4 - April 8CODE: 312214-6BOYSDATES: Thursdays, March 6 - April 10CODE: 312214-5Spring 2025Page 24www.concordparksandrec.com'