b'Summer CampsADVENTURE CAMP GRADES 6 - 8 Adventure Camps -Adventure Camp is back with exciting trips and fantastic favorites.Each week we will have a mix of adventures including beach trips, hikes, theme parks, kayaking, surfing and more!This camp is designed to allow kids to go on an out of town escapade Monday-Thursday, and Friday will be spent in town, or as trip make up day.Information about specific trips will be available online in early June. Staff to child ratio is 1:8.All staff are CPR/First Aid Certified and have an additional 20+ hours of staff training (including water safety).ADVENTURE CAMPGRADES: Entering 68 Grade (in September 2025) TIME: 8:30 a.m.4:30 p.m.LOCATION: Base Camp is at City Wide Community Center.After 9 a.m.(Monday - Thursday) we are off campus. PRICE: Resident: $210 per week, Non-Resident: $220 per week EXCEPTION:Week 2 (4 days)Residents: $168/weekNon-Residents: $178/weekRegistration opens March 3 at 9:00 a.m.WEEK DATES CODE28 Week 1 June 23- June 27 240427-1Week 2 June 30 - July 3 240427-2(4 day week-no class July 4)CyanMagentaYellowBlack Week 3 July 7 - July 11 240427-3Week 4 July 14 - July 18 240427-4Week 5 July 21 - July 25240427-5Week 6 July 28 - August 1 240427-6Week 7 August 4 - August 8 240427-7Week 8 August 11 - August 15 240427-8 SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Are you looking for an active, challenging and exciting job for the summer? The Concord Parks & Recreation is looking for you! Concord Parks & Recreation is looking for qualified summer employees. Concord Parks & Recreation offers a fun work environment, flexible schedules and competitive pay! 75 0 100 0Certification reimbursement available for eligible staff!100 11 100 090 30 95 30 Applicants should apply online at www.concordnh.gov. 0 58 100 00 82 61 010 100 50 035 100 35 1050 100 0 0Position Starting Pay75 15 0 085 50 0 0100 100 0 0Camp Staff $15.45Lifeguards $16.50 ConcordPark & Cemetery Laborers $16.65 Parks & RecWater Safety Instructors $17.50Splash Pad Attendant $15.45Spring 2025Page 28www.concordparksandrec.com'