b"GenAedraull tI nCfloarsmseastionFITNESS Vinyasa Flow Yoga- Ages 16+ When: Tuesdays, 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Instructor:Brigid McNamee Location:City Wide Community Ctr. This class offers a vinyasa flow from one posture to the next connecting thePrice:$62 Resident, $72 Non-Resident movement with the breath.Students will move through a variety of posturesDates Code: throughout the practice focusing on developing strength, flexibility and2/18 - 3/25600448-4 balance.The practice of controlled breath connected with movement is the4/15 - 5/20600448-5foundation of a mind body connection which leads to stress reduction and improved movement.Zumba Gold-Ages 50+ Instructor:Mitzi CaldronZumba Gold is the perfect class for older adults who may be Zumba beginners, fitness newbies, or in need of a modified fitness routine!When: Saturdays, 8:30 - 9:15 a.m.Location:City Wide Community Center. Price: $25 Residents, $35 Non-ResidentsDatesCode: 3/8 - 4/12 600421-4 5/10 - 6/14 600421-5CyanMagentaYellowBlackWhen: Saturdays, 9:30 - 10:30 a.m.Location:City Wide Community Center. Price: $45 Residents, $55 Non-ResidentsDatesCode: Zumba-Ages 16+ Instructor:Laura Buono 3/8 - 4/12 600461-4 5/3 - 6/14 no class May 24600461-5As the saying goes, ditch the workout and join the party!You don't have to have any special coordination to join this friendly dance fitness party featuring an energizing playlist.Plus you can set your own intensity level based on your personal abilities.The Latin inspired dance moves,7matched up with great music, will make you forget that this is exercise but don't be fooled, you'll be burning all sorts of calories and will always leave with a smile on your face!Zumba-Ages 16+Instructor:Heidi CaryA total workout, combining all elements of fitnesscardio, muscle conditioning, balance and flexibility and boosted energy.Class starts with adding resistance by using Zumba Toning Sticks (or light weights) which helps you focus on specific muscle groups, so you and your muscles stay engaged!End class with an interval-style, calorie-burning dance fitness party. When: Thursdays, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.Location:City Wide Community Center. Price: $70 Residents, $80 Non-ResidentsDates Code: 3/6 - 4/17 600424-4 5/1 - 6/12 600424-5 Spring 2025Page 7www.concordparksandrec.com"