b"GPeren-eSrachl oInoflo &rm YaotuitohnLITTLE ARTIST'S ACADEMYNEW! GOT CLASSES?LITTLE ARTIST'S ACADEMYT his class is for ages 6 -10who have creative imaginations.Is there a class you would like to see? It can offer an outlet by allowing the participant to expressDo you know an instructor? Concord themselves with their art.The goal of this class is to learnParks & Recreation is always looking to new techniques and understand the fundamentals of art. expand our program offerings. If you are an instructor or if there is a class you would like to see offered please WHEN: Tuesdays contact us at recreation@concordnh.govAGES: 6 - 10 yrs.oldTIME: 4:30 - 5:15 p.m.LOCATION: City Wide Community CenterPRICE: $40 Residents,$50 Non-Resident To Avoid DATE CODE Class CancellationMarch 4 - April 8 311224-4 Be AnEarly Bird! May 6 - June 10311224-5Register at least 7 days prior to the start date to avoid class cancellation! 20All classes have limited spaceCyanMagentaYellowBlackBAKING WITHMISS NICOLEInstructor:Nicole TenneyDESSERT IMPOSTERS In this class participants will create desserts that look like savory foods such as tacos, bagels, meatloaf and more.The goal is to create a dessert that looks so much like the savory food that it could fool someone into thinking it's the real thing!This is a fun way for the bakers to use their creativity and baking skillsDATES: Saturdays, April 12 - May 3AGES: 10 - 12 yrs.TIME: 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.LOCATION: City Wide Community CenterPRICE: $105 Residents, $115 Non-Resident COOKIE CREATIONSCODE: 321333-4 Bakers will create and decorate a different cookie each week. Decorating will include food coloring, candies,sprinkles and more!DATES: Saturdays, May 10 - May 31(3 weeks)No class May 25AGES: 8 - 10 yrs.TIME: 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.LOCATION: City Wide Community CenterPRICE: $79 Residents, $89 Non-ResidentCODE: 321333-5Spring 2025Page 20www.concordparksandrec.com"