b"GenAedraull tI nCfloarsmseastionLANGUAGEBeginner French - Ages 16+ Instructor:Lise BlaisIntroduction to French language via vocabulary and basic grammar. Practical language usage will be practiced during class.No background in French necessary.When:Tuesdays, 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. Location:City Wide Community Center Price: $125 Resident, $135 Non-ResidentDatesCode 3/4 - 4/8 600204-4 4/22 - 5/27 600204-5 Advanced Conversational French - Ages 16+Instructor:Lise BlaisStudents registering for this course will continue to develop their Intermediate French - Ages 16+ Instructor:Lise Blais knowledge of reading, writing, listening and speaking in French. This class is for advanced beginners who would like to improveAdvanced conversation group will discuss new topics each week.speaking and writing skills. Some basic to moderate abilityAs the class is conducted entirely in French, participants should to speak French should be considered as this class is oftenbe prepared to listen, read, speak and write in the target language. conducted in French.Newcomers always welcome. Newcomers always welcome. 8 When:Wednesdays, 4:00 - 5:30 p.m.When:Mondays, 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. Location:City Wide Community CenterLocation:City Wide Community Center Price: $125 Resident, $135 Non-Resident Price: $125 Resident, $135 Non-ResidentDatesCodeDatesCode CyanMagentaYellowBlack 3/5 - 4/9 600304-43/3 - 4/7 600208-4 4/23 - 5/28 600304-5 4/21 - 6/2(no class 5/26) 600208-5MUSIC For reasons that I cant fully explain, music has been a part of my life since before I can remember.I started singing at the age of two and shortly thereafter, began studies on piano and guitar.Ive done some pretty cool things in music-performance, recording, songwriting, arranging, working as music director for a multi-platinum artist and, of course, Ive taught thousands of lessons both in the classroom and in private lesson rooms both in New England and Austin, Texas.In all of these activities, I strive to deliver experiences that are genuinely meaningful.Guitar 101Instructor: Eric LindbergNEW! GUITAR 101 This course is intended for those with little to no guitar experience. We'll start with how to hold the instrument and work our way through right and left hand technique, basic chords and scales, how to practice and how to play our first songs.Acoustic guitars recommended.A few electric guitars can be accommodated with advanced notice.WHEN: SaturdaysAGES: 16 +TIME: 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.LOCATION: City Wide Community Ctr.PRICE: $135 Res,$145 Non-ResDATE CODEMarch 8 - April 12 600601-1May 10 - June 14600601-2Spring 2025Page 8www.concordparksandrec.com"