b"GenYeoruatlh I nCfloarsmseastion111246-1 111246-1 :SPRING NFL FLAG FOOTBALLNFL Flag; a flag football league for boys and girls. The league is broken down into 3 age groups;Division A (ages 6-8), Division B (9-11) and new this year, High School (Grades 9th-12th) All leagues are co-ed; providing everyone with the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of flag football while playing in a safe environment. Teams meet once each week.NFL FLAG FOOTBALL HIGH SCHOOL FLAG FOOTBALLDATES: Sundays, May 4 - June 8 (5 weeks) ( no football on May 25) DATES: Wednesdays, May 7 - June 11LOCATION: Merrill Park GRADES: 9 - 12 NEW!PRICE: $84 Resident, $94 Non-ResidentLOCATION: Merrill ParkAGES GAME TIMEYOUTH CODE COACH CODE GAME TIME: 5:00 p.m. or 6:00 p.m.6 - 8 9:00 a.m. or 10:00 a.m. 113912-1 113812-1PRICE: $84 Residents, $94 Non-Residents9 - 11 11:15 a.m. or12:15 p.m. 113912-2 113812-2CODE: Youth - 113912-3 Coach - 113812-3* All players will receive a team shirt. Please note child's jersey size at time of registration.SPRING FLAG FOOTBALL *Unfortunately, scholarships are not available for Flag Football.COACHES MEETING! Registration Deadline:Friday, April 11 Thursday, April 24, 6:30 p.m. at the City Wide Community Center22TENNIS IN THE PARKS Instructors: Nikki GauthierCyanMagentaYellowBlack Led by an approved USTA Net Generation tennis coach, the program will focus on developing the skills to serve, rally and play - so its perfect for beginners and first-time players.We focus on FUN and learning the basics through play.This program uses modified tennis balls, age-appropriate rackets and the latest engaging activities that help players successfully learn and play the game quicker.All players in their first session receive and keep a new age-appropriate racquet and ball!TENNIS IN THE PARKSDATE:Wednesdays, May 7 - June 11,Rain Dates (if needed):June 18 or June 25Grades TIMES CODES1 - 2 4:00 p.m.- 5:00 p.m. 118714-13 - 5 5:00 p.m.- 6:00 p.m. 118714-2LOCATION: Merrill Tennis CourtsPRICE: $85 Resident,$95 Non-ResidentCoach Nikki Gauthier has been learning and playing tennis for approximately 5 years. She currently in her first competitive season as a Captain, with her beginner team making it to Nationals and securing 7th place in the country. Her tri-level team is also going to Nationals in 2025. Nikki is level 1 Certified by the Professional Tennis Registry and has completed Safe Sport training.PRACTICE & PLAY TENNIS Instructor: Nikki GauthierPRACTICE & PLAY TENNISFor players who have completed at least one session of Tennis in the Parks or a similar introductory program and are now ready to practice, improve their game and have FUN! This program is run by a USTA-approved coach, players will receive instruction and be paired up for guided match play.Please bring a tennis racquet. If you need a racquet to use, the coach will have a few loaner racquets available to borrow during the class. DATES: Wednesdays, May 7 - June 11,Rain Dates if Needed:June 18 & June 25GRADES: 6 - 8TIME: 6:00 p.m.7:00 p.m.LOCATION: Merrill Tennis CourtsPRICE: $85 Resident,$95 Non-ResidentCODE: 118214-1Spring 2025Page 22www.concordparksandrec.com"