b"Pre-School BALLET & TAP Instruction by:Dance InspirationsBALLET & TAP - 2 - 5 YRSBallet and Tap combination classes are fun and lively classes that enhance coordination, musicality and creativity. Children will learn the basic concepts of dance, perfecting weight transfers and balance, while working on their improvisation and cooperation skills within a group. Children will learn through games, routines and repetitive movement. Dancers need to meet the age requirement by the first day of the class.What to wear:Female dancers should wear leotards, tights, pink ballet shoes with a strap and tap shoes.Male Dancers should wear sweatpants or athletic shorts and t-shirt, black ballet shoes with a strap and black tap shoes.BALLET & TAP - AGES 4 -6 Please note: Children's Tap/Ballet dance classes for grades K - 2nd will workOnly dance participants are allowed into the ontechniques in tap & ballet. Students learn basic positions androom during class time.vocabulary in an age appropriate and fun setting!TIME: 10:30 - 11:30 p.m.AGES: 4 - 6LOCATION: City Wide Community CenterDATES: CODE: PRICE:Saturdays, March 8 - April 12 360302-4 $60 Resident $70 Non-ResSaturdays, May 10 - June 14360302-5$50 Resident (no class 5/24 - 5 week class)$60 Non-ResBALLET & TAP2 - 4 YRS.SESSION 1 BALLET & TAP 2 - 4 YRS.SESSION 2 CyanMagentaYellowBlackBALLET & TAP - WEDNESDAYSBALLET & TAP - WEDNESDAYS March 5 - April 9 May 7 - June 12AGES TIME CODE PRICE AGES TIME CODE PRICE2yrs. 10:0010:30 a.m. 360102-4 $52 Res. $62 Non-Res2yrs.10:0010:30 a.m. 360102-5 $52 Res. $62 N/R 3- 4 yrs. 10:4511:30 a.m. 360202-4 $56 Res. $66 Non-Res 3- 4yrs.10:4511:30 a.m. 360202-5 $56 Res. $66 N/RBALLET & TAP - SATURDAYS BALLET & TAP - SATURDAYS Saturdays, March 8 - April 12 May 10 - June 14 (no class May 24 - 5 week class)AGES TIME CODE PRICE AGES TIME CODE PRICE2yrs. 9:009:30 a.m. 360402-4 $52 Res. $62 N/R2yrs.99:30 a.m. 360402-5 $42 Res. $52 N/R 3 - 4 yrs. 9:4510:30 a.m. 360502-4 $56 Res. $66 N/R 3 - 4 yrs.9:4510:30 a.m. 360502-5 $46 Res. $56 N/R19TODDLER OPEN GYMInstructor: Parks & Recreation StaffTODDLER OPEN GYM Do you have an active toddler who needs to burn some energy?We have the answer; Tuesday mornings at Toddler Open Gym.Children 18 months to 3 years will have the opportunity to participate in open play.Activities include relay races, ball pit, obstacle courses, and much more!Parents are encourage to participate with their child.All participants should wear comfortable clothes and sneakers with non-marking soles.WHEN: TuesdaysAGES: 18 - 36 months oldTIME: 9:30 -10:15 a.m.LOCATION: City Wide Community CenterDATE CODE PRICEMarch 4 - April 8 261604-4 $30 Resident,$40 Non-ResidentApril 15 - May 27261604-5 $30 Resident,$40 Non-Residentno class 4/29Spring 2025Page 19www.concordparksandrec.com"